Matematicas / Maths

09:47:00 Aitana 0 Comments

...find the rhythm in the mathematics and you will fare pretty well...
Joseph C. Kolecki. 
An Introduction to tensor for students of Physics and Engineering.

Lo que viene a decir mas o menos, "encuentra el ritmo en las matemáticas y todo saldrá bien". Di con esta frase mientras buscaba respuestas para uno de los tantos problemas matemáticos que se me presentan a cada rato y que no se resolver, ni entender, ni se por donde cogerlos...pero yo sigo en mi empenyo, que para algo hemos venido, no?

Ah! y...feliz Lunes!!


I saw this sentence when I was trying to fin answer to one of the many maths problems that I always have, and I don't know how to solve, how to understand...but I don't give up, that is why I'm here, isn't it?

Ah! and...happy Monday!!

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