Hoy me he levantado / I woke up today
...echando de menos ese concierto al que nunca fui, con ganas de saltar y de gritar hasta quedarme ronca, otra vez, de correr y correr y correr hasta que ya no quede camino, de girar y girar y girar hasta que me den vueltas las paredes, de bailar y bailar y bailar hasta que me duela el alma...
...missing that concert that I never went to, feeling like jumping and screaming until loosing my voice, feeling like running and running and running until there is no more road, feeling like spinning and spinning and spinning until the walls spinning with me, feeling like dancing and dancing and dancing until I cannot dance anymore...
...missing that concert that I never went to, feeling like jumping and screaming until loosing my voice, feeling like running and running and running until there is no more road, feeling like spinning and spinning and spinning until the walls spinning with me, feeling like dancing and dancing and dancing until I cannot dance anymore...
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