Calvin is back
y después de casi tres semanas de: conducir, disfrutar de mis padres, reír, bañarme en el mar salado, beber cerveza, bañarme en el mar dulce, conducir, bañarme en un rio, leer, bañarme en una poza helada, conducir, bañarme en aguas termales, leer, bañarme en los lagos, ver glaciares desde un helicóptero y miles de cosas mas, Calvin is back, con las pilas cargadas para comerme el 2015. Primera parada, defensa de la tesis, 5 de Febrero, whooop!!!! (reportaje fotográfico pronto), no se me estresen!
and after almost three weeks of: driving, enjoying the company of my parents, swimming in the salty ocean, drinking beer, swimming in the fresh sea, driving, swimming in a river, reading, swimming in a super cold natural pool, driving, swimming in thermal water, reading, swimming in the lakes, visiting glaciers from a helicopter and thousand more things, Calvin is back, ready to face the 2015. First stop, my thesis defense, 5th February, whooop!!! (a complete picture show soon)
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