Quien manda aqui? / Who's the boss?

22:24:00 Aitana 0 Comments

 La ruta esta ahí, aunque no la veas / The track is there, even if you don't see it.

LA vista / THE view

Si, claro!/Yeah right!
Cruzando el rio...de noche / Crossing the river...at night

Lo bueno de irse a la montanya es que rápidamente recuerdas quien manda, y desde luego no eres tu. No hay nada como un par de dias expuesta a la furia de la Naturaleza para recordarlo. Hoy solo fotos, en algún momento de esta semana a historia completa.
The good thing about going to the mountains is that you remember very quickly who's in charge, and it is def. not you. There is nothing like expending a couple of days exposed to the Nature strength to remember it. Today just pictures, sometime next week the whole story.

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