Medusas / jellyfish

16:01:00 Aitana 0 Comments

No se si alguna vez os he contado que mi animal favorito del mar son las medusas, y no se si os he contado que la semana pasada me picaron unas cuantas. Nada grave, pero me pase todo el día con una sensación de quemazón por todo el cuerpo un poco desagradable. Total, que hoy con el café hablábamos de cómo pican las medusas, y no pude resistirme a publicar algo...
Not sure I've ever told you jellyfish are my favorite ocean animals. And not sure I've told you last week I got stung everywhere, nothing serious, only this burn feeling all over the place during the whole day. We were talking about jellyfish this morning after the swim, and I couldn't help myself and I did some research...      

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