Bali, Indonesia; Ubud
Once in Ubud we went to the Monkey Forest, a place with strange sculptures and heaps of monkeys running around. You have to be careful, they are curious, cheeky and they like to grab things that are not theirs. Or jump into your shoulders...En esta visita me di cuenta de dos cosas, aunque pensándolo bien solo las reafirme. La primera es que la gente es bastante irrespetuosa, por poner una palabra que no suene muy mal. Los carteles de no dar de comer a los monos están por todas partes, no importa, la gente les da de comer para hacerse la foto, grrrr. Los carteles de no dar bolsas de plástico a los monos están, de nuevo, por todas partes, pues la gente LES DA bolsas de plástico. En serio?
In this visit I reassured two things. First one is that people are quite disrespectful, just to use a word to too harsh. The signs of don't feed the monkeys are everywhere, it doesn't matter, people feed the monkeys to take pictures with them, grrrr. The signs of don't give the monkeys plastic bags are, again, everywhere. And people GIVE THEM plastic bags. Really? La segunda cosa es que los monos me dan un poco de cosica. Y es que se parecen demasiado a nosotros, y si no me creéis, miradles las manos...
Second thing is that I am not sure I like monkeys that much, they are to similar too us. And if you don't believe me have a look at their hands... Y después fuimos a Tegallalang, donde cultivan el arroz en una especie de bancales. Allí nos dimos un paseito y nos dedicamos a fotografiar todos los colores y los bichos y las flores que había alrededor.
After that we went to Tegallalang, to the rice paddies. We went for a walk and took pictures to any flower, any bug, any color that we could find around.
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