
20:10:00 Aitana 0 Comments


Risas, sol, colores infinitos, sal, calor, salir a nadar nada mas levantarte, ir a bailar, navegar, arena caliente, reencontrarte con viejos amigos, hacer nuevos amigos, dormir hasta que no puedas mas, mar, lluvia, nadar con tortugas, fiestas dentro del agua, fiestas fuera del agua, vivir en un barco, piel crujiente y bronceada por primera vez en no se cuantos años, simplificar la vida al máximo, vivir con dos camisetas y dos bikinis, mirar las estrellas, nubes, no recordar la ultima vez que me puse zapatos, hacer planes, emocionarme, reírme, reírme a todas horas, sentir, abrazos, tomar perspectiva, ilusionarme, sentirme ligera, sentirme afortunada... seguiremos informando =)

Laughs, sun, infinite colors, salt, warmth, going swimming first thing in the morning, going dancing, going sailing, hot sand, meeting with old friend, meeting new friends, sleeping until you cannot sleep anymore, sea, rain, swimming with turtles, parties in the water, parties out of the water, living on a boat, tan skin since I cannot remember when, simplifying life, living with two t-shirts and two bikinis, looking at the stars, clouds, not remembering last time I used shoes, making plans, get emotional, laugh, laughing all the time, feeling, hugs, getting some perspective of things, get excited, feeling light, feeling fortunate... stay tuned, I will keep the updates =)

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